Our foundation's social care institution
One of the social care institutions of the Chance Instead of Aid Foundation is the MÓLÓ (peer) Supported Housing, which has been operating since 2007 in a family house with a garden owned by the Foundation, located in Pest County.
We launched this service to provide additional support and housing for participants in the Thalassa House psychotherapy program who are in great need of it and are also capable of living independently. The MÓLÓ is especially recommended for individuals who only have housing options where it would be challenging to maintain the results of their therapeutic process due to conflicting relationships, whose path to independence is hindered, or for whom housing is entirely unresolved.
Our supported housing is organized in the form of a community created by the residents themselves. This means that there is no constant presence of a helping professional, but the residents receive significant psychosocial support to help them achieve their goals.
The facility has a capacity for 7 individuals.